Making an impact
The Kemijarvi Biorefinery offers investors the opportunity to make an impact and sustainable future. The Kemijarvi Biorefinery’s production is based on the sustainable and environment friendly processes. Wood is procured from certified forests in connection with thinnings, and thus strengthens forest growth and carbon absorption.
Kemijarvi needs industrial investments and new jobs that create growth and prosperity for the region. Kemijarvi has good prerequisites for the bioproduct business, and the prospects for growth and development in the sector are strong.
The production process is at the top of the industry in terms of environmental friendliness. Water purification is three-stage. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide emissions of the production process are captured and processed into renewable fuel and biopolymers. Energy production increases the region’s energy self-sufficiency and resilience.
Side streams are utilized in cooperation with partners. The goal is to refine side streams into products with the highest degree of value added.
The investment of the Kemijarvi Biorefinery’s fiber line is 1,200 million euros. Refining carbon emissions into biofuel and biopolymers requires investment of hundreds of millions. The projects are financed with more than 50% by own equity based.
By the clean waters
The Kemijarvi Biorefinery uses the most environmentally friendly manufacturing methods. Water purification is one of the most essential processes in biorefining. We are committed to ensure that the Kemijarvi Biorefinery does not impair the quality of the waters. This is in line with the Water Management Act (1299/2004) and the underlying EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
The future in the midst of well growing forests
The annual growth of forest is 13 M m3 of wood in Northern Finland. The Kemijarvi Biorefinery uses 4 M m3 of thinning wood, sawdust and other wood waste from saw mills. When the raw material grows nearby, the need and cost of transportation is the lowest. Shorter distances contribute to lower traffic GSG emissions and less harm to the environment. For the forest owner, short distances mean better earnings.
A freshly felled tree and its bark contain valuable water- and oil-soluble beneficial substances, which dissolve and evaporate relatively quickly after the tree is felled. Freshly felled wood is best utilized in a biorefinery close to where the tree grows. The Kemijarvi Biorefinery utilizes 100% of wood. There are many business opportunities in the further processing of wood and pulp, for example in the textile, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. We cooperate with research and educational institutions, as well as companies that develop and utilize new wood-based materials.
Strong demand secures profitability
The need for high-quality pulp is mainly based on the demand for high-quality packaging materials. The dissolving pulp can be used to manufacture fabrics that replace cotton the cultivating of which consumes a lot of water and land area. Other subtances from wood can be used to manufacture biobased materials, such as plastics and minerals. This development ensures a high demand for pulp and other wood based products.
Renewable fuel from biogenic CO2
There is a strongly growing demand for fuels that replace fossil fuels. Fuels made from biogenic CO2 are used, for example, in shipping and aviation. This market is estimated to grow for decades and the first movers have the advantages of the first learners and forerunner customers.